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Clara Serra

Senior Attorney

My name is Clara Serra Baiget. I am a human rights lawyer born in Barcelona (Catalunya) and registered in the Bar.

Since 2015, when I got my LLM Advanced in European and Human Rights Law masters, I have been working in strategic human rights litigation, international justice and humanitarian work.

I have worked both in international organizations as a legal professional (ECtHR and ICC), but also for NGOs and as a consultant advocating and litigating cases on behalf of and alongside with different victims of human rights violations before different human rights bodies. Under this role, I have raised awareness on injustices and advised on policy change both within Spain and internationally. Since 2019, I am part of Stop Violencies Andorra, a local NGO working on sexual and reproductive rights and calling for the decriminalization of abortion.

My passion for equal justice everywhere led me to eastern DRC, where I worked for ICRC in a mediation and protection role, to build knowledge on international humanitarian law to ultimately help reduce the effects of armed conflict, focusing on sexual violence and children.

It is with great pride and joy that I recently joined Women’s Link Worldwide team as Senior Attorney Europe, where I look forward to challenging the law with creativity and a cross border and holistic perspective, to humbly help bring more rights to women, girls and diverse people across the globe. 

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