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About us

Who are we

Women’s Link Worldwide is an intersectional feminist, anti-racist, anti-ableist, and anti-colonial human rights organization. We are Global South-led and work in Latin America and the Caribbean, East Africa, and Europe. Partnering with others, we strive to bring justice to women, girls, and gender-diverse people by dismantling structural barriers to their rights.  

When Women’s Link succeeds in unleashing the power of women and girls to fight for justice, we create the conditions for strategic litigation, feminist partnership, and movement building. Each legal case will empower communities and catalyze systemic change to uphold their human rights. We believe that social change can only be achieved and sustained if the recognition of human rights transcends the courtroom walls and engages the people we work for/with, grassroots organizations, other branches of government, and the public.  

With over two decades of hands-on experience and analysis, we have developed a comprehensive model for promoting and protecting the human rights of women, girls, and gender-diverse people, continuously incorporating new lessons from all over the world. By fostering the interconnection of national, regional, and international law, we are strengthening the body of human rights law with an intersectional feminist, antiracist, and anticolonial lens. 

Our method

We employ legal, alliance, and communication strategies to advance the rights of women, girls, and gender-diverse people. We bring our antiracist, anti-colonial, feminist, Global South-led approach to all our organizational and programmatic efforts. We share power and technical expertise with local movements. This strengthens the feminist ecosystem by transforming the face of who it is that does strategic litigation in a way that decolonizes legal strategies and alters power imbalances, breaking down the walls of the legal sphere and bringing those left outside of legal processes in. 

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